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Paul Johnson (JRGS 1966-73) reports the sad death of Mr. Martin Nunn

Fourth JRGS Annual Reunion - 6th Oct, 2012Martin Nunn died on Monday, 17th June, at the ripe old age of 91. He often used to boast of his good health but, after a number of falls, and his mental acuity just starting to show signs of wear and tear, he passed peacefully. According to Robert Hammond (JRGS 1966-73), the funeral will be held on 9th of July 9th at 11.15am in a local crematorium. I understand that numbers are likely to be limited, but the event will be live-streamed.
   Martin is pictured left at the Third Grand Ruskin Reunion in 2011, held at The Surprise public house in Shirley close to the school's former site. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger version.
   I also shared in 2018 three scores of Christmas music that Mr. Nunn has wrote during his career. More.

Paul Johnson, Haywards Heath West Sussex; June 2024 Email

Mel Lambert (JRGS 1959-65) adds: I was very fond of Mr. Nunn, who took us for Geography and RI during my first couple of years at the school in the early-Sixties. He was with the school from September 1957 until May 1973. He also ran the school's Scripture Union. After retirement served as a keen member of the Friends of Shirley Windmill, and could often be found there on school open days.
   During one of my first Geography lessons with Mr. Nunn, the homework assignment was to find non-English names of cities in North America. I dutifully copied out a number of Spanish And Native American names, and received a bonus point for "such diligent work."Martin Nunn - Februrary 2024
   On another occasion, Mr. Nunn and a couple of other teachers, I recall, were convinced that the world was about to end with a huge flood. They and some pupils gathered together in the playground wearing sou'wester and foul-weather rain gear, to be seated in a large inflated dinghy. It was mildly embarrassing to see their faces when the anointed time came around ... and no deluge. (They simply climbed out of the dinghy and came back inside the school.) Happy Days!

Anne Smith (JRHS/JRC teacher/principal 1970-99) adds: Sad news. It seems that at my time of life it's funerals all the way! This is the third ex-Ruskin staff member to die within a month. It makes one feel a bit lonely, especially as most of them were younger than me.
Alan Boyes (JRGS 1959-68) adds: I attach right a photo of Martin Nunn with my daughter Hannah - his god-daughter - taken earlier this year. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger version.

Several years ago The Mill published a page of comments about our favorite teachers. Top Ten Favourite JRGS Teachers contained the following recollections of Mr. Nunn:

Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) - "Committed and approachable; loved his subject and his charges."

Cliff Cummins (JRGS 1956-62) - "A committed, caring and approachable teacher who went to great lengths to thoroughly prepare his lessons."

Derek Charlwood (JRGS 1958-64) - "An approachable and understanding man."

Anne Smith (JRHS/JRC teacher/principal 1970-99) - "[He] didn't get on at all with those who needed persuasion to want to learn. Extremely supportive but unobtrusively of William Peacock when he lost his eyesight. Still working with the young in his retirement."


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